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These are the homework assignments for LATN 1111 (Basic Latin) in Spring 2024 at Fairfield University. Many of these assignments will likely require consultation of the Complete Vocabulary or the Paradigms, and you can find all answers to the homework at the Answer Key.

Table of contents

  1. Practice Homework 1 (Due R 1/18)
  2. Practice Homework 2 (Due M 1/22)
  3. Homework 1 (Due W 1/24)
  4. Homework 2 (Due R 1/25)
  5. Homework 3 (Due M 1/29)
  6. Homework 4 (Due W 1/31)
  7. Homework 5 (Due R 2/1)
  8. Homework 6 (Due M 2/5)
  9. Homework 7 (Due W 2/7)
  10. Homework 8 (Due R 2/8)
  11. Homework 9 (Due M 2/12)
  12. Homework 10 (Due W 2/14)
  13. Homework 11 (Due R 2/15)
  14. Homework 12 (Due T 2/20)
  15. Homework 13 (Due W 2/21)
  16. Homework 14 (Due R 2/22)
  17. Homework 15 (Due M 2/26)
  18. Homework 16 (Due W 2/28)
  19. Homework 17 (Due R 2/29)
  20. Homework 18 (Due M 3/11)
  21. Homework 19 (Due W 3/13)
  22. Homework 20 (Due R 3/14)
  23. Homework 21 (Due M 3/18)
  24. Homework 22 (Due W 3/20)
  25. Homework 23 (Due R 3/21)
  26. Homework 24 (Due M 3/25)
  27. Homework 25 (Due W 3/27)
  28. Homework 26 (Due W 4/3)
  29. Homework 27 (Due R 4/4)
  30. Homework 28 (Due M 4/8)
  31. Homework 29 (Due W 4/10)
  32. Homework 30 (Due R 4/11)
  33. Homework 31 (Due M 4/15)
  34. Homework 32 (Due W 4/17)
  35. Homework 33 (Due R 4/18)
  36. Homework 34 (Due M 4/22)
  37. Homework 35 (Due W 4/24)
  38. Homework 36 (Due R 4/25)

Practice Homework 1 (Due R 1/18)

Use this website (especially the Course Info, Policies, and Grading pages, or you can use the website’s search function at the top) to answer the following questions:

  1. When are my (Prof. Libatique’s) student hours, and where are they held? (See the Course Info and Policies pages).
  2. What defines an “unexcused absence”? (See Policies.)
  3. How many semester points do you have to accumulate to earn an A for the semester? (See Grading.)
  4. True or false: you are allowed to use Google Translate to complete your assignments. (See Grading.)
  5. True or false: you can find the answers to all homework assignments on this website. (Hint: see Answer Key).

Answer key here.

Practice Homework 2 (Due M 1/22)

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the definition of a diphthong?
  2. Which of these is not a part of speech: verb, adjective, subjunctive, preposition?
  3. What is the term for the act of changing the endings of verbs to reflect different verb aspects like its person, number, tense, voice, and mood?
  4. What is the term for the act of changing the endings of nouns to reflect a noun’s different cases and numbers?
  5. True or false: we use word order in Latin to determine the functions of words.

Answer key here.

Homework 1 (Due W 1/24)

Each of the following exercises gives the first and second principal parts of a Latin verb’s dictionary entry. Indicate the conjugation to which each of the following verbs belongs. For example:

  • teneō, tenēre
    2nd conjugation

Note: If a verb is 3rd -iō, you must include the “-iō” in your answer to be correct.

  1. amō, amāre
  2. puniō, punīre
  3. faciō, facere
  4. cadō, cadere
  5. terreō, terrēre
  6. fugiō, fugere
  7. audiō, audīre
  8. regō, regere
  9. videō, vidēre
  10. ambulō, ambulāre

Answer key here.

Homework 2 (Due R 1/25)

Conjugate the following verbs into the 3rd person singular and the 3rd person plural of the perfect tense and active voice. Then, give one sample translation for each form. For example:

  • amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love
    amāvit - ‘she loved’
    amāvērunt - ‘they have loved’
  1. videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see; (passive) to seem
  2. regō, regere, rexī, rectus - to rule
  3. cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall
  4. interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
  5. audiō, audīre, audīvī / audiī, audītus - to hear

Answer key here.

Homework 3 (Due M 1/29)

Indicate to which declension (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) each of the following nouns belongs.

  1. arbūtus, arbūtī, f. - strawberry bush
  2. caput, capitis, n. - head
  3. umbra, umbrae, f. - shadow
  4. vir, virī, m. - man
  5. tempus, temporis, n. - time
  6. hortus, hortī, m. - garden
  7. corpus, corporis, n. - body
  8. gratia, gratiae, f. - favor, thanks
  9. via, viae, f. - road
  10. aurum, aurī, n. - gold

Answer key here.

Homework 4 (Due W 1/31)

Part 1

Each of the following prompts gives you the nominative singular of a noun in the Week 3 Vocabulary. Use the Week 3 Vocabulary and the Week 3 Paradigms to decline the noun into the requested case and number. Remember to pay attention to the noun’s gender. For example:

puer, genitive plural

  1. caput, accusative plural
  2. nauta, dative singular
  3. taurus, nominative plural
  4. rex, genitive plural
  5. via, ablative plural

Part 2

Use the Week 3 Vocabulary and the Week 3 Paradigms again to indicate the gender, case, and number of the given noun form. In cases of ambiguity, give just one possible answer (you do not need to state them all). For example:

feminine accusative plural

  1. viā
  2. nōmen
  3. filiōs
  4. arborī
  5. agricolārum

Answer key here.

Homework 5 (Due R 2/1)

Use the Week 3 Vocabulary and the Week 3 paradigms to identify the case and use of the bolded noun in each of the following sentences. You can assume that each bolded noun is either nominative or genitive case. Then translate each sentence. For example:

puer stetit.

  • puer = nominative, subject. “The boy stood.”
  1. puella dormīvit.
  2. dux nautārum cucurrit.
  3. puerī vēnērunt.
  4. arbōrēs agricolae stetērunt.
  5. fīlius virī fūgit.

Answer key here.

Homework 6 (Due M 2/5)

Use the Week 3 Vocabulary and the Week 3 paradigms to identify the case and use of the bolded noun in each of the following sentences. Then translate the sentence (for which you will likely also need the Week 2 Vocabulary).

  1. nautae aquam cēpērunt.
  2. mater et pater cībum fīliīs dedit.
  3. puer templum deōrum vīdit.
  4. vir aurum mīsit.
  5. puellae equōs agricolārum dūxērunt.

Answer key here.

Homework 7 (Due W 2/7)

Part 1

Each of the following gives an adjective’s dictionary entry, followed by a declined noun. Make the adjective match the given noun in gender, case, and number. If there is more than one option, you need only give one. (For this, you may need the Week 3 Vocabulary [nouns] and Week 3 Paradigms [nouns] in addition to the Week 4 Vocabulary and Week 4 Paradigms [adjectives].)

For example:
bonus, bona, bonum - good -> ducibus

  1. malus, mala, malum - bad, evil -> agricolārum
  2. pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful, pretty, handsome -> oppida
  3. frigidus, frigida, frigidum - cold, cool -> aquam
  4. prīmus, prīma, prīmum - first -> filiās
  5. multus, multa, multum - (singular) much; (plural) many -> patrēs
  6. parvus, parva, parvum - small -> arbōre
  7. ultimus, ultima, ultimum - last, final -> taurōs
  8. magnus, magna, magnum - great, large, big -> corpus
  9. tōtus, tōta, tōtum - whole, entire -> oppidī (NOTE: tōtus is an -īus adjective!)
  10. bonus, bona, bonum - good -> liber

Part 2

Each of the following sentences contains a 2-1-2 adjective. Indicate the adjective; then indicate which noun the adjective modifies; and finally, translate the sentence. For example:

puella puerum bonum vīdit.
bonum modifies puerum; “The girl saw the good boy.”

You will likely need the resources linked in Part 1 above.

  1. agricola bonus equum duxit.
  2. fīlia matrī calidam aquam dedit.
  3. fīlia matrī bonae aquam dedit.
  4. dux aurum laetōrum nautārum cēpit.
  5. puerī pulchrum corpus aquae vīdērunt.

Answer key here.

Homework 8 (Due R 2/8)

Part 1

Each of the following gives an adjective’s dictionary entry, followed by a declined noun. Make the adjective match the given noun in gender, case, and number. If there is more than one option, you need only give one. (For this, you may need the Week 3 Vocabulary [nouns] and Week 3 Paradigms [nouns] in addition to the Week 4 Vocabulary and Week 4 Paradigms [adjectives].)

For example:
bonus, bona, bonum - good -> ducibus

  1. sapiens, sapientis - wise -> agricolā
  2. fēlix, fēlicis - lucky, fortunate -> nōmen
  3. velox, velōcis - swift, fast, quick -> aquam
  4. tristis, triste - sad -> filiae
  5. celer, celeris, celere - swift, fast, quick -> patrum
  6. similis, simile - similar -> arbōre
  7. ācer, ācris, ācre - sharp, keen, fierce -> taurīs
  8. omnis, omne - (singular) each, every; (plural) all -> corpus
  9. fortis, forte - brave, strong -> oppidī
  10. gravis, grave - heavy, serious -> librōrum

Part 2

Each of the following sentences contains a 3rd declension adjective. Indicate the adjective; then indicate which noun the adjective modifies; and finally, translate the sentence. For example:

puella puerum fēlicem vīdit.
fēlicem modifies puerum; “The girl saw the lucky boy.”

You will likely need the resources linked in Part 1 above.

  1. agricola tristem equum duxit.
  2. fīlia matrī gravem aquam dedit.
  3. fīlia matrī gravī aquam dedit.
  4. dux aurum fēlicium nautārum cēpit.
  5. puerī velox corpus aquae vīdērunt.

Answer key here.

Homework 9 (Due M 2/12)

Translate each of the following sentences into Latin.

  1. The horses were fast.
  2. The sailor was a leader.
  3. The war was fierce.
  4. The girls were brave.
  5. The towns were lucky.

Answer key here.

Homework 10 (Due W 2/14)

Part 1

Use the Week 5 Vocabulary and Week 5 Paradigms to replace the bolded noun with an appropriate form of is, ea, id. For example:

puella taurōs duxit.

  1. dux nautārum dormīvit.
  2. puer parvus arbōrem vīdit.
  3. pater omnia matrī dedit.
  4. agricolae multa fēcērunt.
  5. agricolae oppidum relīquērunt.

Part 2

Each sentence contains a form of is, ea, id; suī, sibi, sē, sē; or the reflexive adjective suus, sua, suum. Identify the form, indicate whether it is personal or reflexive, and then translate the sentence. For example:

puer sē vīdit.
sē - reflexive - “The boy saw himself.”

  1. fīliae dōna eī dedērunt.
  2. fīliae dōna sibi dedērunt.
  3. fīlius dōna sibi dedit.
  4. vir uxōrem suam amāvit.
  5. vir uxōrem eius amāvit.

Answer key here.

Homework 11 (Due R 2/15)

Part 1

Each of the following sentences uses a demonstrative pronoun or adjective. Indicate the demonstrative; give its gender, case, and number; and translate the sentence. For example:

agricola hoc oppidum vīdit.
hoc - neuter accusative singular - “The farmer saw this town.”

  1. pater verba huius fīliī audīvit.
  2. mater omnia fīliae illī dedit.
  3. puella hunc taurum amāvit.
  4. dux illōs mīsit.
  5. nauta hoc nōmen nōn audīvit.

Part 2

Translate each of the following sentences from English into Latin, making sure to use the correct version of the pronoun/adjective.

  1. The farmers saw themselves.
  2. The farmers saw the horses themselves.
  3. The girl led that bull.
  4. The girl led this bull.
  5. The woman did good things, but the man did bad things. The former slept, and the latter left the town.

Answer key here.

Homework 12 (Due T 2/20)

Translate each of the following sentences using the Week 5 Vocabulary. Keep in mind that there will be expressions of space and expressions of time amongst the following.

  1. equī ex agrīs cucurrērunt.
  2. equī ūnām hōram cucurrērunt.
  3. equī ad agrōs cucurrērunt.
  4. vir malum ducem hāc nocte interfēcit.
  5. vir malum ducem prō templō interfēcit.
  6. vir malum ducem ultimā hōrā interfēcit.

Answer key here.

Homework 13 (Due W 2/21)

Part 1

Each of the following prompts gives you a first principal part of a verb followed by a nominative noun. Conjugate the verb into the perfect passive in an appropriate gender and number for the subject, and then translate the sentence. For example:

amō -> puerī ____.
puerī amātī sunt. “The boys were loved” or “The boys have been loved”

You will likely need the Complete Vocabulary to help.

  1. capiō -> taurus ____.
  2. videō -> corpus ____.
  3. audiō -> verba ____.
  4. relinquō -> via ____.
  5. interficere -> ducēs ____.

Part 2

In each of the following sentences, identify the subject and the verb and then translate the sentence. Be aware that each sentence contains substantives in non-nominative cases and uses, including ablatives of agent.

  1. dōna fīliīs ā patre data sunt.
  2. fīlius ob cībum laetus factus est.
  3. equī ex agrīs ab agricolā ductī sunt.
  4. dux nautārum fortis vīsus est.
  5. monstrum ultimā hōrā captum est.

Answer key here.

Homework 14 (Due R 2/22)

Part 1

Each of the following gives you the first principal part of a verb. Conjugate the verb into the requested parse, and then give a sample translation of the form that you just created. Keep in mind that not all prompts will ask you to conjugate in the imperfect tense. Make sure to use the Complete Vocabulary to check your verb’s conjugation, 2nd principal part spelling, and meaning. For example:

relinquō -> 3rd singular imperfect active indicative
relinquēbat - “she was leaving”

  1. amō -> 3rd singular imperfect passive indicative
  2. moveō -> 3rd plural imperfect passive indicative
  3. capiō -> 3rd singular perfect active indicative
  4. capiō -> 3rd singular imperfect active indicative
  5. sum -> 3rd plural imperfect active indicative
  6. regō -> 3rd plural perfect passive indicative (masculine)
  7. faciō -> 3rd singular imperfect active indicative
  8. currō -> 3rd plural perfect active indicative
  9. stō -> 3rd plural imperfect active indicative
  10. veniō -> 3rd singular perfect active indicative

Part 2

For each of the following conjugated verb forms, identify the verb’s tense and voice and indicate what clues you used to determine them. Optionally, give a sample translation for each form. For example:

imperfect active: stem from 2nd principal part, -bā- tense marker, -nt personal ending
“They were loving”

  1. fugiēbat
  2. positum est
  3. vīcit
  4. vidēbātur
  5. audiēbant

Answer key here.

Homework 15 (Due M 2/26)

Each of the following prompts gives you the first principal part of an adjective followed by a declined noun. Using the Week 6 Vocabulary, Complete Vocabulary, and the Week 6 Paradigms, make the adjective match the noun. If more than one possibility exists, you need only give one. For example:

magnus -> lacibus

  1. ācer -> animālī
  2. brevis -> diērum
  3. nullus -> noctium
  4. sapiens -> cīvium
  5. magnus -> maria
  6. hic -> faciēbus
  7. longus -> diēs
  8. parvus -> lacuum
  9. ille -> animālia
  10. celer -> motūs

Answer key here.

Homework 16 (Due W 2/28)

Part 1

Use the Complete Vocabulary and Week 7 Paradigms to conjugate each of the following verbs, of which you’re given just the first principal part, into the requested person, number, tense, and mood. Then, give a sample translation of the verb you just created. For example:

amō -> 3rd sg. present active
amat – “she loves”

  1. canō -> 3rd sg. present active
  2. dormiō -> 3rd pl. present active
  3. habeō -> 3rd sg. present passive
  4. audiō -> 3rd pl. present passive
  5. demonstrō -> 3rd sg. present active
  6. regō -> 3rd pl. present active
  7. ducō -> 3rd sg. present passive
  8. moveō -> 3rd pl. present passive
  9. scrībō -> 3rd sg. present active
  10. teneō -> 3rd pl. present active

Part 2

Translate each of the following sentences.

  1. puerī carmina cum matribus suīs canunt.
  2. equī ab agricolā ducuntur.
  3. periculum ab omnibus nautīs vidētur.
  4. hostēs in domūs cīvium currunt.
  5. monstrum ē marī venit.

Answer key here.

Homework 17 (Due R 2/29)

Use the Complete Vocabulary and Week 7 Paradigms to conjugate each of the following verbs, of which you’re given just the first principal part, into the requested person, number, tense, and mood. Read carefully, as not all prompts will ask you to conjugate in the future tense.

Then, give a sample translation of the form that you’ve created.

  1. habeō -> 3rd sg. future active
  2. habeō -> 3rd sg. imperfect active
  3. demonstrō -> 3rd pl. future passive
  4. demonstrō -> 3rd pl. imperfect passive
  5. moveō -> 3rd sg. future passive
  6. moveō -> 3rd sg. imperfect passive
  7. teneō -> 3rd pl. future active
  8. teneō -> 3rd pl. imperfect active
  9. amō -> 3rd sg. future active
  10. amō -> 3rd sg. future passive

Answer key here.

Homework 18 (Due M 3/11)

Part 1

Use the Complete Vocabulary and Week 7 Paradigms to conjugate each of the following verbs, of which you’re given just the first principal part, into the requested person, number, tense, and mood. Read each parse carefully.

Then, give a sample translation of the verb you just created. For example:

amō -> 3rd sg. future active
amābit – “she will love”

  1. canō -> 3rd sg. future active
  2. moveō -> 3rd sg. present active
  3. dormiō -> 3rd pl. future active
  4. dormiō -> 3rd pl. present active
  5. moneō -> 3rd sg. future passive
  6. moneō -> 3rd sg. imperfect passive
  7. scrībō -> 3rd pl. future passive
  8. scrībō -> 3rd pl. present passive
  9. scrībō -> 3rd pl. imperfect passive
  10. audiō -> 3rd pl. present active
  11. audiō -> 3rd pl. future active
  12. faciō -> 3rd sg. imperfect active
  13. faciō -> 3rd sg. future active
  14. faciō -> 3rd sg. present active
  15. faciō -> 3rd sg. future passive

Part 2

Complete a synopsis in the 3rd person singular across all the verb tenses (present, imperfect, future, perfect) and voice (active, passive) that you know of the verb cupiō.

Answer key here.

Homework 19 (Due W 3/13)

Part 1

Each of the following gives you the first principal part of a verb that can be found in our Complete Vocabulary. Give the requested form of the infinitive of that verb. If asked for the perfect passive infinitive, use the neuter singular participle. Then, translate the infinitive. For example:

amō -> perfect active
amāvisse, “to have loved”

amō -> perfect passive
amātum esse, “to have been loved”

  1. canō -> present passive
  2. moveō -> present passive
  3. interficiō -> present active
  4. stō -> perfect active
  5. videō -> perfect passive
  6. sciō -> present passive
  7. sum -> present active
  8. sum -> perfect active
  9. rogō -> perfect passive
  10. relinquō -> perfect passive

Part 2

Each of the following sentences contains either a subjective infinitive or complementary infinitive. Indicate the infinitive, whether it’s subjective or copmlementary, and then translate the sentence. For example:

puer potest in domum currere.
currere - complementary
The boy is able to run into the home. or The boy can run into the home.

  1. est bonum illō aurum dare.
  2. nautae ē nāvibus venīre debent.
  3. carmina illa ab omnibus audīrī poterunt.
  4. licet cībum capere.
  5. fīlia dormīre tōtam noctem poterat.

Answer key here.

Homework 20 (Due R 3/14)

Part 1

Each of the following sentences presents a direct statement. Turn it into an indirect statement following the main verb dīcit (“she says”), and then translate the indirect statement. For example:

fīlius ā matre amātur.
dīcit fīlium ā matre amārī.
She says that the son is (being loved) by his mother.

  1. agricola equōs ā viā duxit.
  2. pater prīmā hōrā in domum venit. (present tense)
  3. vocēs ā liberīs audītae sunt.

Part 2

Each of the following sentences presents an indirect statement introduced by the main verb dīcit (“she says”). Turn the indirect statement into a direct statement, and translate the direct statement. For example:

dīcit arbōrem magnam esse.
arbor magna est.
The tree is large.

  1. dīcit cīvēs laetōs factōs esse.
  2. dīcit carmen ā virō canī.
  3. dīcit puellās in agrōs cucurrisse.

Answer key here.

Homework 21 (Due M 3/18)

Translate each of the following sentences into Latin. Be aware of the tenses of your main verb and your infinitive in terms of relativity of time.

  1. The leader recognized that the sailor had given the gold to the farmers.
  2. The boy saw that the horses were in the fields.
  3. The father believes that the sons were able to see the trees.
  4. The girls are learning that their father wrote many things.
  5. The soldier said that the enemies had taken the city.

Answer key here.

Homework 22 (Due W 3/20)

Identify the dependent clause in each of the following sentences, and then translate the sentence. For example:

quia in domō erat, agricola equōs nōn vīdit.

  • dependent clause: quia in domō erat
  • translation: “Because he was in the house, the farmer did not see the horse.”
  1. līberī dormiunt dum mater et pater laborant.
  2. cum mīles nāvēs vīdit, dixit hostēs venīre.
  3. puerī ubi arborēs magnae erant sēdērunt.
  4. pater laetus erat quia fīlium cum sorōre vīdit.
  5. dum puer cum matre carmina canēbat, puella cum patre in templum veniēbat.

Answer key here.

Homework 23 (Due R 3/21)

For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with an appropriate form of the relative pronoun, based on an antecedent that immediately precedes the blank and the clue following the sentence, and then translate the whole sentence. For example:

puer _______ carmina cecinit in domō erat. [Make the relative pronoun a subject.]

  • quī [masc. nominative sg.]
  • The boy who sang the songs was in the house.
  1. mater __ fīliae amāvērunt patrī lībrōs dedit. [Make the relative pronoun a direct object.]
  2. oppidum __ ā cīvibus vīsum est pulchrum erat. [Make the relative pronoun a subject.]
  3. ducēs __ mīlitēs fortēs erant ā nāvibus vēnērunt. [Make the relative pronoun a possessor.]
  4. pater dīxit nōmina __ puella cognōvit. [Make the relative pronoun a direct object.]
  5. rex ___ cīvēs aurum dant malus est. [Make the relativfe pronoun an indirect object.]

Answer key here.

Homework 24 (Due M 3/25)

Identify the person, number, tense, and voice of each of the following irregular verbs and give a sample translation.

  1. est
  2. ferunt
  3. ībant
  4. potuērunt
  5. poterant
  6. tulit
  7. eunt
  8. feret
  9. fertur
  10. erat
  11. latum est
  12. ferentur
  13. feruntur
  14. ībit
  15. ībat

Answer key here.

Homework 25 (Due W 3/27)

Each of the following sentences contains a blank. Fill it in with an appropriate form of the requested verb in the requested tense, and then translate the whole sentence. For example:

puer _____ matrem vidēre. [volō -> present]

  • vult - “The boy wants to see his mother.”
  1. mīles _____ ē nāve venīre. [nōlō -> future]
  2. equī _____ currere in agrīs quam in urbe. [mālō -> present]
  3. dux _____ cum mīlitibus ad hostēs īre. [vōlō -> imperfect]
  4. puella _____ urbem relinquere. [nōlō -> present]
  5. sorōrēs _____ dōna frātribus dare. [mālō -> future]

Answer key here.

Homework 26 (Due W 4/3)

Conjugate the verb into the given PNTVM and give a sample translation of the form that you just created. For example:

amō - 3rd sg. future perfect active indicative

  • amāverit - she will have loved
  1. videō - 3rd pl. pluperfect passive indicative (masculine)
  2. regō - 3rd sg. pluperfect active indicative
  3. relinquō - 3rd pl. future perfect passive indicative (feminine)
  4. audiō - 3rd sg. future perfect active indicative
  5. demonstrō - 3rd sg. pluperfect passive indicative (neuter)

Answer key here.

Homework 27 (Due R 4/4)

Translate the following sentences.

  1. urbem rege!
  2. aspicite hanc domum.
  3. vocem magistrī audī!
  4. fac bona!
  5. dūc equōs in agrōs.

Answer key here.

Homework 28 (Due M 4/8)

Generate the requested form of the given verb. Read each parse carefully, especially the mood.

  1. regō -> 3rd sg. present active subjunctive
  2. regō -> 3rd sg. future active indicative
  3. regō -> 3rd sg. present active indicative
  4. capiō -> 3rd pl. future passive indicative
  5. capiō -> 3rd pl. present passive indicative
  6. capiō -> 3rd pl. present passive subjunctive
  7. dēmonstrō -> 3rd sg. imperfect active subjunctive
  8. dēmonstrō -> 3rd sg. imperfect active indicative
  9. dēmonstrō -> 3rd sg. future active indicative
  10. moveō -> 3rd pl. imperfect passive indicative
  11. moveō -> 3rd pl. future passive indicative
  12. moveō -> 3rd pl. imperfect passive subjunctive
  13. ferō -> 3rd sg. imperfect passive subjunctive
  14. ferō -> 3rd sg. future passive indicative
  15. ferō -> 3rd sg. present passive subjunctive
  16. eō -> 3rd pl. present active subjunctive
  17. eō -> 3rd pl. present active indicative
  18. eō -> 3rd pl. imperfect active subjunctive
  19. sum -> 3rd pl. present active subjunctive
  20. sum -> 3rd pl. present active indicative

Answer key here.

Homework 29 (Due W 4/10)

Generate the requested form of the given verb. Read each parse carefully, especially the mood.

  1. regō -> 3rd sg. perfect active subjunctive
  2. regō -> 3rd sg. future perfect active indicative
  3. regō -> 3rd sg. pluperfect active indicative
  4. capiō -> 3rd pl. perfect passive indicative (masculine)
  5. capiō -> 3rd pl. pluperfect passive subjunctive (masculine)
  6. capiō -> 3rd pl. perfect passive subjunctive (masculine)
  7. dēmonstrō -> 3rd sg. pluperfect active subjunctive
  8. dēmonstrō -> 3rd sg. perfect active indicative
  9. dēmonstrō -> 3rd sg. pluperfect passive subjunctive (neuter)
  10. moveō -> 3rd pl. perfect passive indicative (feminine)
  11. moveō -> 3rd pl. future perfect active indicative
  12. moveō -> 3rd pl. perfect active subjunctive
  13. ferō -> 3rd sg. pluperfect passive subjunctive (neuter)
  14. ferō -> 3rd sg. pluperfect active subjunctive
  15. ferō -> 3rd sg. pluperfect active indicative

Answer key here.

Homework 30 (Due R 4/11)

Each of the following sentences contains an independent use of the subjunctive. Identify whether the sentence contains a deliberative, potential, or optative subjunctive, and then translate the sentence.

  1. utinam nē monstrum in domum eat!
  2. forsitan equī ex agrīs veniant.
  3. nauta pecūniam caperet?
  4. utinam periculum vīdisset.
  5. magister hanc epistulam scrībat?

Answer key here.

Homework 31 (Due M 4/15)

Each of the following sentences contains a blank for the dependent verb, followed by the first principal part of a verb and relationship between the dependent verb and main verb (e.g., “in progress/incomplete” or “completed”). Use the sequence of tenses and the context of the full sentence to conjugate the verb into the subjunctive mood in an appropriate person, number, tense, and voice, and then translate the whole sentence. For example:

puella laeta est quia mater epistulam ____. (scrībō, completed)

  • scrīpserit, “The girl is happy because her mother wrote the letter.”
  1. cum pecūniam ____, dux in templō sedēbat. (dō, completed)
  2. sorōrēs ē domō currunt quod pater ____. (canō, in progress)
  3. nautae in templum iērunt cum periculum ____. (cognoscō, completed)
  4. cum ex agrīs ____, agricola dormit. (veniō, completed)
  5. quia mīles haec verba ____, puer territus est. (dīcō, completed)

Answer key here.

Homework 32 (Due W 4/17)

Each of the following sentences is followed by a specific type of dependent clause (relative, temporal, circumstantial, causal, or concessive). Translate the sentence according to the dependent clause type.

  1. puerī dormiēbant cum nox vēnisset. (causal)
  2. puerī dormiēbant cum nox vēnisset. (circumstantial)
  3. cum nox vēnisset, puerī tamen nōn dormiēbant. (concessive)
  4. cīves oppidum rēliquērunt quod hostēs cēperant. (relative)
  5. cīves oppidum rēliquērunt quod hostēs id cēpissent. (causal)

Answer key here.

Homework 33 (Due R 4/18)

Render the following English sentences into Latin.

  1. He went into the house in order to write a letter.
  2. Although she was willing to hear the song, nevertheless her son did not sing it.
  3. The leader does not see the gold because the sailor placed it in the temple.
  4. The daughter was happy after she (had) received her father’s letter.

Answer key here.

Homework 34 (Due M 4/22)

Determine whether each of the following sentences contains a purpose clause or a result clause – then, translate the sentence.

  1. equī ita magnī erant ut puer terrērētur.
  2. puer in domum cucurrit nē ab equīs vidērētur.
  3. discipulī sīc rīsērunt ut magister flēret.
  4. magister docet ut discipulī discant.
  5. magister sīc docet ut discipulī discant.

Answer key here.

Homework 35 (Due W 4/24)

Identify which type of indicative condition each sentence contains, and then render each indicative condition into Latin.

  1. If the book was not in the home, the daughter took it.
  2. The sailor will go into the temple if the road is short.
  3. The father is happy if his son has a wife.

Answer key here.

Homework 36 (Due R 4/25)

Identify which type of subjunctive condition each sentence contains, and then render each subjunctive condition into Latin.

  1. The enemy would have taken the city if the soldiers had not been in the road.
  2. If the man should sing that song, the daughter would run away from the house.
  3. If the man were singing that song, the daughter would run away from the house.

Answer key here.

All material developed by Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado, and Neel Smith, and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0